2024 Youth Forum on Cultural Exchange : Open Debate on 'K-Culture' as a Platform for Soft-power Diplomacy & Case Studies on Central America and Central Asia > 공지사항

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2024 Youth Forum on Cultural Exchange : Open Debate on 'K-Culture' as…

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작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 629회 작성일 24-02-29 17:20



On Feb. 14th(Thu.) last week, the Republic of Cuba has become the 193rd state to be recognized by the Republic of Korea, as the two states agreed to establish ambassador-level diplomatic relations with each other.

There will be much discussion on this development, as to its political, economic, and cultural implications. On this occasion, however, the UNA-ROK(UN Association of the Republic of Korea) would like to invite you to participate in an open forum where young students come together and discuss the role of cultural exchanges in diplomacy; namely, how cultural exchanges might sustain, and sometimes, precipitate deeper ties between states and nations.

Particularly, we will give the floor to two researchers on this matter, and take a look at two case studies in Cuba(Central America), and Kazakhstan(Central Asia). 

Lastly, we will open the floor to the audience to discuss 1) the role of cultural exchange when it comes to building sustainable diplomatic relations, 2) what could be expected from newly formed ties between the ROK and the Republic of Cuba, especially given how it might be a showcase for ROK's future ties with the DPRK, and 3) what they believe should be the goals and strategies for international cultural exchange between nations.

Please take a look at the program agenda below. Thank you.


□ Program Agenda : 2024 Youth Forum on Cultural Exchange : Open Debate on 'K-Culture' as a Platform for Soft-power Diplomacy & Case Studies on Central America and Central Asia

□ Time and Date : Mar. 13th(Wed.) 2024, 18:00-20:30

□ Venue : 'Youth Culture Space JU’(Address : 49, World Cup buk-ro 2-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

□ Open to : Everyone

□ Hosted by : UNA-ROK(UN Association of the ROK)

□ Language : Korean & English

□ Application : Go to the link below to apply 


□ Fee : 5,000(KRW) / Payments to : 농협(Nonghyup) 301-0131-1920-91

※ The fee will be repaid in full, as long as you make an appearance to the forum. If you don't, the fee will not be refunded

※ UNSA, UNYA, UNUS members are exempt from payment

□ Schedule(18:00-20:30)

1. Opening Remarks(18:00-18:05)(5') : Dr. Kwaak YoungHoon(President, UNA-ROK)(ENG)

2. Panel Introduction(18:05-18:10)(5') : UNA-ROK(ENG)

3. Presentation(1)(18:10-18:40)(30') "What is the present-day Cuba like? : Overview of Life in Cuba Today & Political Implications of Newly-formed ROK-Cuba Ties" : Gap-dong, Cho(President, Asociacion Coreano-Cubana de Cultura y Amistad)(KOR)

4. Presentation(2)(18:40-19:00)(20') "Soft-power Diplomacy : The Role of Cultural Exchange in the Development of ROK-Cuba Relationship" : Hyo-sang, Lim(Former Research Director at the Central America Research Institute, Kyung Hee University)(KOR)

5. Presentation(3)(19:00-19:20)(20') "Overview of K-Culture in Cuba and People on the Ground That Make Cultural Encounter Possible" : Banya, Lee(Outreach Coordinator, Asociacion Coreano-Cubana de Cultura y Amistad)

6. Break(19:20-19:25)(5')

7. Presentation(4)(19:25-19:55)(30') "Glocalization of K-Culture in Kazakhstan, and its Role in the Development of Socio-economic Ties between ROK and Kazakhstan" : Symbat Zholamanova(Lecturer at HUFS)

8. Break(19:55-20:00)(5')

9. Open Discussion(20:00-20:25)(25') "Culture as a Tool and Resources for Soft-power Diplomacy : What's a Way Forward?" : Forum Participants

10. Closing Remarks & Group Picture(20:25-20:30)(5')

□ Contact : 02-774-0457(Manager, Tracy Jeonghyun Seong) / unarok@unarok.org


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